Need Advice on Checking Stylus

Would appreciate some advice on how to check the condition of a stylus. My primary cartridges are the Soundsmith Zephyr and the Lyra Delos. I just bought a vintage pocket stylus magnifer (50x) for a couple of bucks. Ok, so what now?? I assume I'll need a good light source. Is a penlight flashlight enough, or shouold I buy something else?

Ok, when I get the proper light source and my stylus magnifer is delivered, what am I looking for? How can I estimate sylus condition and wear?? As I recall, the Zephyr has an elliptical stylus. The Delos is a micro-ridge contact line -- I think.

I would start by looking online at the thousands of good pictures of magnified stylus and get familiar with what the different tips look like in various conditions. Your 50x should serve you well in any preliminary examination.
I think at 50x you will not be able to come to any conclusions about your stylus, unless it is just plain broken. I have a digital microscope, cheap one, which goes up to 800x, and I use it for SRA. As far as determining wear, even at 800x, it is very hard to say conclusively that you do, or do not have wear. The best angle for wear determination is straight on, but even then, you have to know how much of the stylus is actually in the groove, and then what wear actually looks like at that magnification. I believe we are talking a out very subtle differences in the image, even at 800x. I don't think you stand a chance at 50x.