Change the cartridge or phono stage

I am new to turntable tweaks and would like to warm up the sound of my new MF 5.1 turntable and 2.2 phono stage .
Are there any advantages/disadvantages or circumstances that
would predicate changing the cartridge or phono stage ?
I would like to get to the level of EL-34 tube warmth .

Thank You
Elevick ;
I don't have the tools or ability to make those type of adjustments . The table is a new purchase . The manufacturer claims to set up the included cartridge from the factory and the dealer checked it out .
Are you including the cartridge and phono stage into that turntable warmth comment ?

If turntables are anything like amps and CDP's , I don't think that cables will give the amount of added warmth that I am looking for .

Yes it is a Music Hall MMF 5.1 turntable and a pa1.2 phono stage , also my Music Hall . This is playing through a tubed , El-34 , integrated amp into Reference 3a speakers .

Thank You and keep the help coming .
Post removed 
I don't have a problem with having my dealer install a new cartridge .
I have an EL-34 amp already . It does not have a way , that I know of , to run a separate pre-amp into it . Or at least it doesn't have an amp in connection . I think that I need a stand alone phono stage . Or am I missing something here ?

Thank You
I think that you will get more warmth from a cart or phono stage, rather than from a cable swap. But do not assume that a TT is just like an amp or CD player. The signal level is much much lower. Which makes cables from your cart to phono stage the most important in your system.

That said, look for a warm cart or phono stage. Grado is one place to look on the cart side, available at a number of price points. The EAR phono stages are often described as warm, but that may be outside your budget. Maybe others know less expensive phono stages that meet your criteria.
Elevick is correct; you want no coloration out of the table/arm/cartridge at all. Start with a good protractor, scale and a powerful magnifying glass. Adjust the VTA so the scale is at record surface height when you've dialed in the tracking weight you want to use. Next, get the stylus centered in the target and get the cantilever precisely aligned. Constantly re-check this part and take your time to get it just so. It will be worth it. After that's all done, listen to some material you know really well and decide if you think it is brash, muddy or blooms. Those are symptoms of incorrect VTA and damping/level/warp, respectively. After all those points are identified, you can then give thought to changing things. Note that the cartridge can have a big effect and should be a strong compliment to the speakers. Warmth is something that is usually best obtained with a tube component somewhere. There are a lot of different opinions on the best way to go with that end of things, so do your research first. Have fun & good luck!