Herron VTPH2 questions?

I have an Herron VTPH2 and I am thinking of getting a Grado VPI The Reference MM cartridge which has only 1.2 mv output. I wonder if I can use the mm input with it?
What is the phono gain of the Herron? Does it have a linestage built-in? If so, what is the additional gain afforded by the linestage? If you want your question answered, you need to supply the minimal data needed in order to do it. On the other hand, Herron is alive and well; why not call them and ask about the Grado?
Yes, talk to Keith. The VTPH-2 is adjustable depending upon the tube compliment installed. This allows you to dial in the gain to match your other sources and/or optimize performance with a given cartridge and overall system. For example, you will need to consider the gain of any linestage preamp and/or speaker sensitivity when deciding whether to go with the high or low gain tube set or mm or mc input. I am totally confident that if you pose your question to Keith and provide him with the specs of your other components he will be able to guide you.
Are you presently using a MM cartridge that provides a higher output? If so, let us know its output rating, and give us some idea of the highest position at which you normally set your volume control. For example, if it is a rotary control its minimum position may be 7 o'clock; its maximum position may be 5 o'clock, and the highest position you normally set it to when playing records may be 12 o'clock.

Then, with no music playing, try to determine how much further you can turn up the volume control (e.g., what clock position you can turn it to) before hiss levels become objectionable, or you reach the maximum possible setting (whichever occurs first).

You should certainly talk to Keith, but providing us (and perhaps him) with that information may also be helpful (if, as I say, you are presently using a higher output MM).

-- Al