PC for Electrocompaniet-Focal-Wadia combo

Hi everyone,

I've finally managed to put together the hifi components I desire and arrived at the next step towards audio nirvana: power-cords and conditioners. However, I'm quite clueless as to where or which brands to start with (other than what i read in hifi magazines) so I would really appreciate your inputs, especially for my setup. I'm running a fully balanced setup. My system is as below:

-Electrocompaniet EC 4.7 Pre
-Electrocompaniet AW180 Mono Power
-Wadia 381 CDP
-Focal Electra 1028BE floorstanders
-Clearday Double Shotgun Speaker Cables
-CDP to Pre XLR: Synergistic Research Tesla Apex
-Pre to Power: Telos Black Reference XLR
-Xindak Power conditioner (distributor?)
-Stock power cords for the amps. DIY copper-based PC for the Wadia CDP and DIY silver-based PC for the EC 4.7 Pre

I listen to a wide variety of genres, from rock to jazz to vocal and some classical/orchestral music. At the moment, I am happy with the sound in my system. Just wondering if I can improve the resolution further by getting better PCs or a better power conditioner. The other alternative is to change my wall plugs and use better receptacles. Any suggestions as to which I should start from? Guess my budget is under $400 for the PC and max $1k for a power conditioner.

Thanks in advance!
I have the same speakers as yours with Pass Labs gears. Just recently, I tried PS Audio Dectet power center ($500), Power Port Premier ($100) receptacle and AC-10 power cord (price varies on length and new/used) that connects the receptacle from wall and the Dectet. In short, the upgrade is on par with any equipment change I did in the past, if not the best. Hope this help.
@ Kzhtoo, I have been looking at alot of different receptacles,Is the power port premier a good one?I have narrowed my search to one so far untill I read this thread,I will research this receptacle!,thanks for the post!,cheers!
I haven't tried many receptacle. Regarding power port premier, I read a few good reviews and I have had good experience with their Dectet and power cord, so decided to give it a shot. What I can say is it stomps the generic cheapo receptacle that I was using, as it should. The improvement wasn't subtle at all. Not sure how it would stack up against others (was thinking of getting SR Tesla-plex for awhile), but I wouldn't bet against power port premier at least not holding its own. Very long break-in time though (I didn't believe it initially but my experience tells otherwise).