Replacing Virtual Dynamic speaker cables

I have been using the Revelation speaker cables for a few years and I do like them. They were very expensive new, but good value second hand. I found them to have nice detail, a little tipped up in the base, but very clean and well, dynamic.

So why do I want to change them? Well, they are so heavy and stiff, I find them a nightmare to connect and dress. There is'nt much room behind my system. Very good for beating a burglar, mind you, not so good for day to day use.

I have no prejudices, any suggestions for a comparable quality cable, up to 2000 dollars used for 6 to 8ft, single wired, good detail, dynamic, but not edgy. Thanks
david...i would look no further then Rick Shultz's new High Fidelity line of cables..i did not have a chance to try his VD cables but have tried his CT-1..CT-1E and now have his CT-1U cables in my system. at your price point the CT-1 would be superb. they are not stiff and are just superb. look at the HF forum on the cable section and go to his website and read the will NOT be unhappy..
"not so good for day to day use"

What exactly do you do to your cables on a daily basis?
Stroking them ......thats what is being done..and the word is BASS not BASE..what the heck do u do with your cables once there connected?