Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cable..what a delusion

Hi folks
I recently bought a pair of Nordost BH speaker cables, after many hours of burn in (they were used, however) the sound still being lean, harsh in the upper frequencies and after all they lack some weight.
I'm now looking for a fair neutral, big soundstage, and with a lot of punch and kick in the bass region pair of speaker cables.

Right now I'm using Nac A5 with better results.

Bouget 500 bucks more of less.

lenght required 4mt - about 13ft

the rig is the follow:

ampli: hegel h100
speakers: Ruark Talisman II
cdp: Naim cd5i
analog source: Rega P5
Ics: virtual dinamics

ps. where I live now I'm not able to audion any cable, so any advice is very welcome.


I had the same experience with the Nordost Blue Heaven, which I purchased the The Cable Company.

This cables made my system sound very thick. I tried to return them and the salesman at The Cable Co. (John Pharo) said they needed to settle in. Well, after 200+ hours, the sound was still as thick as day one.

I tried to return them again and John Pharo @ The Cable Co. never returned my emails or my phone calls. Other salespeople always forwarded my phone calls to his voice mail.

After many tries to return them, I ended up selling them at a lost.

I'm glad you found a dealer that's willing to work with you and that the new cables work well in your system.
David, yes they sound ridicously good, bud as you said they are stiff and difficult to manage. Also I have little room around the Solidsteel deck..

@ Philjolet: sure! thank you for the advice
Isanchez, sorry to hear that..btw last week I sent them a mail kindly asking for advices..thay never reply.
For what I learned, Nordost entry level products are shit, if you want the good stuff you have to go up on the scale, but it will cost you a fortune.
I'm using a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Rev II Biwires 2M long. They soundas good as the SP4 Morrow Audio Biwires I had, and also the Kimber Kable 4,8,and 12TC single wires. I got them mint with the box for only 165.00. They also perform as well as the Audiometallurgy AG-0's that I used for about 6 months.
As always in audio, there are horses for courses. I keep every piece of wire I ever bought in the last 30 years.
You may be SURE what sounds crappy on one system will sound good on another.
Your Mileage won't vary.