Well, its about time. Thanks Tls49 for questioning my ridiculous post. And you were nice about it too. Aprica88, I in no way meant to offend you. You're welcome to spend your money any way you choose. My first post was just to get you to look at your initial post a little more objectively. Just listing your price range like that, and nothing else, is IMO, a really bad way to go about selecting cables. (We must have posted our 2nd posts at close to the same time because I didn't see it even though my post shows up after yours.). If you want to make the right choice, you really need to try some cables firsthand. There's just no other way to do it. There are many reasons for this, but with cables, sometimes you end up liking the cheapest ones the best. Its possible that you may end up choosing something for your max budget of $2000, but there's a very good chance you may like something for $500. No point in locking yourself out of a good choice just because its cheap.
Someone above mentioned you try The Cable Company. I couldn't agree more. Their one of the most valuable resources an audiophile can have. I've been using them myself for many years and wouldn't do it any other way.
Someone above mentioned you try The Cable Company. I couldn't agree more. Their one of the most valuable resources an audiophile can have. I've been using them myself for many years and wouldn't do it any other way.