I use a CH Acoustic X20 on my insanely modded S7i. You can look here: to see what other power cords I've used before settling in with these for the last 2 1/2 years.
John, I use a CH Acoustic X20 on my insanely modded S7i. You can look here: to see what other power cords I've used before settling in with these for the last 2 1/2 years. Chuck |
I like the later iterations of silver carbon power cords made by the late Michael Wolff. It came out on top in a 22 cables shoot out a few years back. Unfortunately Mike is no longer around. I agree the JPS is also very good. |
You might as well widden your search by trying This "froggy-câble" called absolue créations -Tim référence (s) is the best froggy power cord for cd player i have ever heard it directs what ever is in the grooves with autority and behaves like à Music conducteur. If you CAN...ofcourse,I have had it for a week end it´s very musical.hope That help. |