Should the better AC cable be used on Amp? Source?

Hi everyone,

Just curious about this one. Let's suppose that you have 2 AC cables, one being more upscale than the other.

Where would you use it? On the amp or cd player?

Please avoid the ''use the one that sound's best'' type of answers - I already did this and the results vary from recording to recording.

As a general rule of thumb, what would you say?

if you check the archives I think the result would be that you could flip a coin and achieve the same information

myself? I have no idea...

I would try it one way for a few weeks and switch and try that for a few weeks I bet you could tell then

The one with the highest/best/transfer of electrical current should be placed from the wall outlet to the source or a conditioner/distribution component if used.

As stated earlier YMMV so try everything!
Have an uninterested party switch things around so you cannot pick favorites.
Obviously the answer cannot be predicted with any certainty, but it seems to me that you can tip the odds of achieving optimal results at least slightly in your favor based on the following:

1)If the power cords are not the same gauge, put the one that has heavier gauge on the amplifier. Or if the amplifier is plugged into a power conditioner, put the one that has heaviest gauge between that power conditioner and the wall outlet.

2)If, based on manufacturer descriptions, reviews, or other information there is reason to believe that one cord has better shielding and/or noise cancelling properties than the other, put that cord on whichever of the two components would result in that cord being physically closest to other components (and/or their connecting cables and power cords) that can be expected to have the greatest susceptibility to RFI (radio frequency interference) effects. That might mean whichever of the two components is closest to the turntable, the phono stage, and the preamp, in that order. In other words, you would be trying to minimize the amount of RFI that might be radiated FROM that power cord to those other components.

If those two factors point in opposite directions, choose which to give the higher priority based on how much difference seems to exist between the two cords in each of the two ways.


-- Al
Well I don't think there is one answer that will work for all cases. I believe that if you are not using any power conditioner, then the "best" cord should go on the source instead of the amp.

That being said, I have my "best" power cord on my preamp. The power cord on my amp and CDP cost more $$$ than my "best" cord, but that's for another thread.

If you are using a power conditioner, the best cord should go on your power conditioner, thereby more components could benefit from it.