Cardas Golden Cross no longer offered by Cardas ?

I just found out that the Golden Cross IC line , as well as many others are no lnger being made or offered by Cardas. I wonder why . I have a feeling that a lot of their newer cables were not selling that well and a lot of people were buying used , which does not help Cardas sell any .
Well, i currently have a pair of ICs for sale on ebay. Maybe i Should not have done that, as i would expect their value will go way up now .
Here is a link to the cables offered. At the bottom you will find the ones they no longer make , under the Legacy Heading
I think their 'Golden' series still have a big fan base and not too many people want to spend so much more for the 'Clear' series which are only marginally better! I actually like the slight coloured in the mid bass for its 'human' like character.
You do realize that Cardas is not the only cable manufacturer that comes out with new models to replace older models.....don't you?

I can't recall any cables from any manufacturer increasing in value after being discontinued. Go ahead and hang on to yours though, there is a first for everything. ;)
I was told that Cardas is moving away from the Golden Cross, Golden Reference and Neutral Reference. They feel that the new Clear line e.g Clear, Clear Light and soon the Clear Sky will be a better cable that will regain a foothold in the marketplace. I recently tried a set of Clear Light to compare with my Golden Reference between my Ayre C5xe and LS-26 and was disappointed. I found them to be more harse and forward by comparison. I want to try the Clear but haven't been able to do that yet. I love the GR's for analog but am wondering if a different cable might provide a less "digital" signature. I am thinking the Clear may be the ticket but need to get a pair to try when I will have time to really listen.
I was also told that Cardas will continue to offer the affore mentioned cables untill the supplies are exhausted.
They have some on hand just won't be producing them anymore. That has been a while, but I would think you could still get a pair, somebody has some in stock, try Dan at dedicated audio, or audio advisor etc.
04-11-13: Drubin
I think your analysis is completely upside down.
How do you mean ? I do not understand what you are saying.
That the Golden Cross will not be more valuable ? or that their newer cables wewre selling ??
Please explain what you mean , cause i don' get what you are saying.
I actually agree with LUNA . he said
04-11-13: Luna
I think their 'Golden' series still have a big fan base and not too many people want to spend so much more for the 'Clear' series which are only marginally better! I actually like the slight coloured in the mid bass for its 'human' like character

@ Jmcgrogan2. Most companies replace their previous models with new ones. Cardas continued to offer the older models as well as the new . I just think they had too many offerings and the newer ones were probably not outselling some of the older stuff.
The Golden Cross IC had to be their #1 all time seller
Well another thing that I have noticed before, is that cable companies tend to listen to their critics more than their fans. Take Shunyata for example, when they first came out with their power cords and the Hydra, the flavor was very rich, warm and musical. Many folks fell in love with the sound instantly, while the critics said it was coloring the sound, with not enough resolution. So each newer generation of Shunyata cords that came out were increasingly transparent and decreasingly musical.

It sounds as if Cardas is moving in the same direction. Many have complained over the years that Cardas cables are too dull and lifeless, while the Cardas owners loved their musical sound. So Cardas, like many other companies is chasing after those who do not like their sonic signature, in hopes that their loyal following will hold true to the Cardas name in effort to grow their share.

It's just business, not personal. The original Shunyata cords did hold their value pretty good for a while, as those who liked their original attributes would rather buy older, used cords than the newer ones. You don't see many 10+ year old Shunyata cords are the market anymore, as they seem to have settled into systems or closets for the long run. Occasionally one will pop up for sale, and though re-sale has gone down, they still sell for a pretty good price for a 12-15 year old power cord.

As Theo said, they are not manufacturing the Golden series anymore, but they are still selling off current inventory. Eventually current inventory will be depleted and no longer an option.