Transparent Musicwave Reference speaker cable

Hi Guys
I have a set of these cable with a low serial number -0816
this i assume is a mid 90's set ?
I use a Musical Fidelity Kw - 500 with Marantz Sa-11s1 cd player , Triangle Lyrr speakers and Kimber Select Ks 1011 interconnect. The sound is very accurate but seems that the dynamics seem a bit compressed as if the follow through of a drum hit is held in a force field , i tried another pair of all copper basic speaker cable and the result was that the dynamic impact returned but also less clear/accurate.
The Triangle Lyrr speakers are near new and i have read that break in can be a long process but the change in dynamic sound when i tried the other copper cable ( just cheap cable from a electronics store $4.00 per meter ) made me think its isolated to the Transparent Music Wave Reference ? it appears from the Transparent site that i have a early model set as there is a xl model as well . I am new to Transparent and love this cable , i could not afford new so second had was a nice way to go. Anyone have some info on the sonic signature of earlier Transpaent Reference cables ?

Hi Jfrech
Yes the upgrade option could be the answer although the price might be another story ? Any ideas on what the price would be in regards to say upgrading my Reference to say the Reference MM2 ? Is it just the filter box that's upgraded ?

The one you are looking for is musicwave reference. And Reference MM2 is different and big step. I bought a pair of MM last year $7000. I'm in Australia too Phil ^^

Trust me find the Harmonic Technology reference tweeter or Schweigerdt LS1 Super. They will make your sound much improve than Transparent MusicWave and cheaper.

I just hook up the Schweigerdt LS1 Super to try out and can't say how $2000 brand new cable can do more than $7000 2nd did. Speacially, the cable i got is trailer mode from a friend of mind is dealer of Horn speaker in Melbourne. So the release would be much better now.

Hi Misterldk
Thanks for the info , looks like Audioactive in Melbourne is the distributor for Harmonic Technology , will give them a call and see what they have . Thanks again for the info much appreciated.

Cheers Phil.
Hi Phil, they whole cable is upgraded (really swapped out is a better word) you won't see you current cable again...the conductors, insulation, connectors and networks are new...usually the price is 70% of the retail of the existing cable taken off the next cable up price...