Can u make interconnect from speaker cables

I haver a 26 foot pair of the CRL Silver speaker cables that I am not using- Can I cut them to length and reterminate them for use as Interconnects or are they completley different type of wires- thanks
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LOL!, Interconnects have a different science behind them!, or, the speaker cables would be no different than interconnects!, One cable is designed for a strong signal, the other is for a much weaker signal!, anything may work!,The question is, will it work for the application?,mmmm!, Good luck!
Not sure that it would be physically practicable to attach RCA connectors to the ends of these (and most other) speaker cables.

Even if it were, the technical considerations and parameters for the two types of cables are very different, as Audiolabyrinth indicated. It would function, but I suspect that a $50 pair of pro-oriented Mogami interconnects, that are designed to be interconnects, would provide better sonics.

Unfortunately, the CRL website does not present much in the way of technical data for their cables, even on basic parameters such as inductance, capacitance, resistance, and wire gauge, so it is hard to be more specific. It is apparent, though, that their speaker cables are unshielded, while their interconnects are shielded. In many systems can have significant implications with respect to susceptibility to buzz and hum that can be caused by ground loop effects and RFI/EMI pickup, especially with unbalanced (RCA) interconnections.

Finally, you would be destroying the resale value of your $4K+ speaker cables.

-- Al
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