I haver a 26 foot pair of the CRL Silver speaker cables that I am not using- Can I cut them to length and reterminate them for use as Interconnects or are they completley different type of wires- thanks
@ Schipo,, Why do I want to write up a 3 page post of science of cables?, LOL!,I am to lazy to go thru all that!,, I never claimed to have a degree in electronics anyway!,, I tell you what, I am A good natured person, so to end this before I get frustrated with you,, I will apalogize for my answer, I am sorry, please excuse me. cheers!
I'd lay odds that many companies are already doing this. I already have, using early version of Morrow Audio wire. Others (including Mike Morrow) should correct me, but I swear that it's the same stuff, differing only in the number of strands. Certainly sounds fine enough in both roles.
Yes, Many factors to consider but lets not forget that some companies do use the same wire for I/C's and speaker wire. Kimber Kable comes to mind. Granted, He uses less strands in the I/C's but it is the same wire.
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