Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp

Hi, I’m searching for a pair of interconnect cables connection my pre-amp (Ayre K-1xe) and power-amps (Pass Labs XA30.5) – both Solid State. FYI, the speakers are a pair of Harbeth C7-es3.

Preferably, I’d get the Balanced interconnect cables to get the full potentials of these amps. What would you recommend for mid-end/used cables (brands, models, etc)? What’s the typical lengths of the cables – 1.5m or 2m?

My choices of music are mostly vocals, jazz, pop songs, symphony, chamber and some blues and rock(no heavy metal or other modern music types). I look for cables that deliver extended highs, natural/full-body mid-range and dynamic bass with excellent imaging and soundstages.

Thank you for your recommendations.
r0817 products are top drawer and there is no sticker shock with XLR balanced IC at $275 for new three foot pair. I have used the slightly cheaper RCA interconnect version for many years.
While all the customary virtues are present, the most outstanding is the illusion of performers and instruments physically present within the listening room.
Why Sky? Its all silver and its almost exactly the same cable as the Cheetah, and double the price. Also, its very hard to get silver sounding right between an amp and preamp. The OP's components are very revealing. There's a very high chance that using a cable like that will deliver high frequencies that are a little bright and have a detached sound from the rest of the music. There's always the possibility that it will work OK but I wouldn't take a chance without a demo first.
Audioquest Sky is superior compared to Cheetah. Pure silver in most situations never sounds harsh or bright. It has more to do with the quality of the equipment you use. Separation, dynamics and resolution of the Sky is a lot better compared to Cheetah.
I had a pair of Sky that Cable Company lent me. I have very revealing equipment but I couldn't hear the difference between the 2. Here's what you get going from 36v Cheetah to Sky (Everything else is identical): 72v dbs, slightly different xlr connectors and 50% more air.

Thats it. If its one of those things that bother you, a 36v dbs pack is available form AQ for about $100-$150. If there is an improvement going to 72v, its very slight. You don't here the type of differences in xlr connectors that you do with rca. That just leaves you with 50% more air.

I thought the 50% more air thing was kind of funny because Sky cost 2x what Cheetah is so I called AQ and they reluctantly confirmed my take on the differences were accurate. As far as pure silver goes, thats identical. Weather it sounds bright or harsh, thats subjective and very equipment dependent. I never said the Cheetah is bright or harsh. The sound is a little different. The HF's have a detached sound. They stand out a little more. I wouldn't call it harsh, bright would be closer. But that's just between the amp and preamp. Most of the time they sound OK going from a source to a preamp. Except on my vinyl setup. Cheetah is good between a TT and phono pre but not good between my phono pre and my line stage. (that combination has held true through several different equipment upgrades, not just 1 tt and 1 phono pre). I can't give you a technical reason as to why any of this is true. I just judge everything by listening to it. No only that, its all subjective anyway. I can say, though, that I've showed many people these differences over the years using my system and every single person that I did the demo for, was able to easily hear the differences I list above.