Platforms for Quad ESL Speakers

I am considering making thick maple butcher block platforms for my ESL 2805 speakers. Does anyone have experience with butcher block or other platforms for Quad ESL speakers?

If so what were the platforms and how did they affect performance? I am also interested in what feet the platforms had under them and what feet were used between the Quads and platform. My floor is carpet and padding over concrete.

Thanks for any information.
I had maple platforms under my bookshelf speakers. brass footers under platform which you would need carpet piercing ones. I had 3 brass footers under the speakers too.

its hard to quantify the improvement but I did love the sound of my speakers. all these little things add up.

go to mapleshade records website for ideas.
The only way you're going to get any significant improvement is to (first) remove the grills. The plastic dust covers don't help the sound, either. You might be able to find some Arcici stands for the Quads somewhere.
They are not intended to be used that way. And if you find a used pair of Arcici stands you better plan on a subwoofer or two because you will be distancing the speaker from a critical room boundary and altering the tonal balance.