Power cords recommendations

Can you recommend some power cords for the following devices?
Bryston BDA1 DAC
Bryston BDP1 Digital music player
Wyred 4 Sound STP/SE Preamp
Maximum total budget, $1000.
Thanks for your help.
I also recommend getting some on trial. Power cords are often component dependent, so mix and match works out best after auditioning.

In your price range, I'd recommend Wireworld Electra (very neutral and refined) and VH Audio Flavor 4 (muscular sounding, but very stiff physically). With the VH, you can also choose different plugs to tune the final sound (copper and gold for a denser, earthy presentation, rhodium for more detailed, analytical sound). Or combine different metals at each end - the permutations become frustrating, really!
Try auditioning through The Cable Co. By the way, it would help if the OP let us know that is deficient in his system or what he was trying to achieve.
Id encourage you to audition Stefan AudioArt power cords. A lot of bang for the buck. The guy behind them is great to deal with too.
I would recommend Cullen cable red copper for your preamp. I just bought one for my wyred4sound amp. I heard an immediate improvement in detail and more depth to soundstage over the stock wyred cable. For under $100.00USD
I thought it was a nice upgrade. Talk to Patrick for advise.