Power Cables diminishing returns

I'm thinking of upgrading my PCs, but am wondering what the sweat spot is as far as price. The price point after which, you see diminishing returns. for example a $1000 is certainly not twice as good as a $500 cable.
Unless one burns in the power cords on a cable cooker and or cryogenically treats them, in addition to the usual break in, I suspect it's very difficult to say one has really gone all the way with a particular cord. The costs for burn-in and cryo are relatively small.
08-05-13: Jafant

any/all cabling (power cords included) should reflect 10-20% of your system's cost.

MIT would argue that ;) I agree you Jafant....I have burned through a lot of dough trying cables....haven't tried them all but enough do draw my own conclusion. My opinion is there are a lot of great cable/designs in the sub to slightly over 1K range and after that you get into what seems to me to be the search for extreme resolution. I am more in the musicality camp and some of these flagship and near flagship cables just leave me cold....maybe you need an uber expensive system to enjoy...that I do not have.
Agree that the used price on the Audience Powerchord E is a great buy now that the SE is out.
The best diminishing return has stock power cable. It's usually included with component at no extra cost.
Suggest you buy used, if possible. Also, connectors make an enormous difference -- avoid brass and nickel. Duplex outlet makes a huge difference -- Oyaide R1 seems to be the best affordable outlet -- as usual, avoid brass and nickel. Chassis IEC inlet makes a huge difference -- avoid brass and nickel. Without good interfaces, you'll never hear the goodness of a good cable.

Lastly, plating changes the sound. Rhodium, silver, gold, platinum and palladium each have a sonic signature.