Help with bi-wiring

I have a pair of old Vandersteen 2ci with 8' Kimber 8tc straight runs with open spade lugs. I see where Vandersteen recommends bi-wire so I decided to go that route. My question, however, is how to go about it by: 1. buying another 8' pair with open spade lugs, or 2. sending my current pair off somewhere for a technician to split them into four 4' cables with spade lugs, or 3. Attempting to do this myself. I can do simple electronic work but I feel my cutting this cable in half would open a can of worms that I wouldn't be prepared to deal with. Anyone with experience here, or any suggestions? Any help greatly appreciated! (If you recommend sending them off, could you give info?) Thanks!
With all do respect to Tls49 it is not rocket science. I sold Kimber Kable for decades and we cut and terminated all the cables on the sales floor.

You just need to be extra carefull when stripping the wire as you do not want to nick the copper strands.

You should look at the connectors on the Kimber site to see what will work best for you. If you want to stay with spades you have a choice between WBT and Postmaster. The Postmasters need to be soldered.

You will need 4 connectors.
Absolutely do not get caught up in the scenario of using different cables for the highs and lows as this causes problems at the crossover point. See this article from Vandersteen,
This is not a problem especially if you have a pre-amp or receiver that incorporates Audyssey or something similar as it accounts for Phase and timing problems. I have found that Bi- amping ( using two sets of speaker cables and two amp channels ) using provides a more robust and open sound . Better separation of instruments or sounds .
All i can say , is to try it for yourself . Some people will swear that there is no difference, but i disagree.
Depending on the power of your amp, the difference may be small.
If your amp is say 100-150 watts per channel, you would be more apt to hear a difference, versus a larger or more powerful amp.
Ok . I should have read the Article before i responded. I tend to agrre with the article , but using different wires does not always give the poor results that they speak of .
i suppose if you used cables specific for bass response only on the bottom and vice versa , that could present a problem .
I am just talking about mixing cables , not specifically using bass cables for Bass and High frequency cables for the mids and highs .
What i am trying to say is that Bi-amping in most cases is definitely better, but IMO I Do NOT believe they HAVE to be EXACTLY the same wires for upper and lower . I hope this clears up my response .
The GOOD Thing is that they agree . Bi-Amping is better.
I am glad their tests have proven that !
Just trying to help
Jjrenman, I agree with you as I have terminated many various types of cables in years past. Many people have the ability and/or experience to do so, however I have seen attempts by some that looked like a 4 year old did it. The purpose of my comment was that if the OP did not have 100% full confidence in his ability, implied by this comment,
but I feel my cutting this cable in half would open a can of worms that I wouldn't be prepared to deal with.
then just let someone else do it.
Greyhound, to begin with I believe the OP is using a basic stereo preamp with no Audyssey, nevertheless let’s look at a few facts, and some more articles for reading, if you care to do so.

As noted in the article I provided in my first post, the manufacturer of his speakers states to use identical cables, as different ones will “interfere with the proper blending of the woofer and midrange driver through the crossover point.” Further explanation of this can be found in this article from Audioquest,

The paragraph at “Biwiring and Cable Geometry” explains how the different electrical characteristics of different cables affect the crossover to compromise coherency.

And finally, this post by a well respected amplifier designer states that using different cables “just messes-up the system coherence.” This is also a good read about bi-amping.

So, my question is, does it make good sense to purposely do things that really screw up the sound, in hopes that Audyssey can completely correct them. Seems to me it would be best to follow proper basic guidelines in setting up a system.