Yes, I have Pieranunzi's "Fellini Jazz". I recommend it, but it's generally faster tempo(ed) and "louder" than the ECM discs mentioned in the thread. That's not a criticism, just something I just wanted people to know. Another ECM disc I highly recommend is Marilyn Cripell's "Storyteller". She's a more "complex" piano player than Gustavsen, with lots of subtlety. It's different, but still in the ECM "camp" with regard to recording aesthetics, beauty, etc. I have not heard "The Ground", but intend to after reading this thread. I liked "Changing Places", but found it a bit "simplistic" and tired of it somewhat quickly. I still put it on if I want something very quiet and soothing, but otherwise I don't find enough variety on it. Another ECM player to consider for those who like Gustavsen is Vasilis Tsabropoulis (sp?). His "Achirana" is a nice disc too. For me these are all for when I'm in a particular mood, but I guess one could say that for all music! I have "Trio", but have not listened to it yet. Based on the trio's work with Tomaz Stanko I look forward to hearing them without him.