glam rock fans?

Sometimes it takes something like a movie to jog some old music memories loose & reignite an old love for something like glam rock. for me it was "life aquatic" and the soundtrack took me back to my youth & those great ($3.99) albums like Mott the Hoople, Mott...Iggy, Raw Power...Alex Harvey, Live....TRex, Electric Warrior...Bowie, Spiders...NY Dolls...Sweet & Slade, sorry can't remember the titles anymore. I've got the itch to get some of that stuff again unfortunately it'll be on CD for convenience & simplicity sake this time. Hopefully the recordings aren't too bad. any recommendations? btw cool movie... thanks & cheers!
Check out any and all Slade collections, but I personally recommend "Slayed" as their best album. There are also some great CD comps that collect the more obscure stuff. Two to check out are called "Velvet Tinmine" and "GlitterBest"

Glam rock was mid 80s rock by the hair bands such as poison/warrant/bon jovi and so on.......don't you mean hippy music by the artist titles you mentioned?
No. Unfortunately you are a bit off the mark. The bands like Poison, Warrant, and Bon Jovi are "glam metal" or "hair metal".

What was once known as "Glam" was typically British stuff in the early to mid-70s like Slade, Mott the Hoople, Bowie, Sweet, T-Rex, and a many more. On the American side you had bands like The New York Dolls, the Hollywood Brats. Even Kiss had "Glam" crossover appeal. "Glam" eventually ended up morphing into some of the first punk bands (The Damned, The Heartbreakers, Dead Boys, etc) who took the "Glam" aesthetic, but stripped it down...along with the music.

When Motley Crue, Hanoi Rocks, and the earliest LA hair bands started making waves in the early 80's (and started putting on the silly makeup and clothes to compliment their music), the music press started reverting back to the "Glam" moniker in order to describe them. Its a crying shame. The awesomeness of bands like Slade, T-Rex, and the original "Glam" bands should never have had their names tarnished by being even remotely compared with such crap as Poison, Cinderalla, Warrant, Vixen, and their ilk.

Yeah, there is definately no justice in that little sordid chapter of musical history.

There are a lot of contemporary bands that have taken a cue from the REAL glam bands of the 70s though. The Darkness, Marilyn Manson, Turbonegro, and a few others come to mind.

If anybody takes a cue from the hair bands from the 80s....well, then we're screwed. As if the current music industry was not vapid enough. The last thing we would ever need is to have glam/hair metal rise up from the ashes.

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