glam rock fans?

Sometimes it takes something like a movie to jog some old music memories loose & reignite an old love for something like glam rock. for me it was "life aquatic" and the soundtrack took me back to my youth & those great ($3.99) albums like Mott the Hoople, Mott...Iggy, Raw Power...Alex Harvey, Live....TRex, Electric Warrior...Bowie, Spiders...NY Dolls...Sweet & Slade, sorry can't remember the titles anymore. I've got the itch to get some of that stuff again unfortunately it'll be on CD for convenience & simplicity sake this time. Hopefully the recordings aren't too bad. any recommendations? btw cool movie... thanks & cheers!
Not exactly glam rock - though I love the Tubes. WHat do you want from live is one of the best sounding live rock LP;s I have.

There is no way that I'm knocking the 80s metal scene as a whole. Hell, in the last few years I've seen Testament, Exodus, S.O.D., Satyricon, Judas Priest, and Iron Maiden, etc, all at seperate shows...and none of them were at that crappy Ozz-Fest either. I love metal!

The guys like Malmsteen, Vai, Wylde, DiMartini, Rhoads, etc were (and still are) totally badass. I'm knocking the hairbands specifically. Although you could make a case for Ratt, Whitesnake, and at one point even Ozzy (The Ultimate Sin era) for being hair-metal bands, I dont really classify them as such. The "glam metal scene" was a total joke to Metal as a whole. Whether it be New Wave of British Heavy Metal, power metal, speed metal, death metal, or thrash metal; I think the bands that were part of those genres share absolutely NOTHING with Cinderalla, Warrant, Bon Jovi, and those kinds of oppurtunists.

And as for the implication that members of T-Rex or the New York Dolls "could not play", you've got to be joking. Most glam bands of the 70s contained great musicians (Roxy Music, Bowie's various lineups, Queen, etc). They may not have been as good as their prog-rock contemporaries that were dominating the airwaves simultaneously, but hey, when you're up against guys like Fripp and Steve Howe for technical chops, its gonna be pretty hard to even come close.

My points, in case we're losing sight of them, are as follows:

1. 70s Glam (the REAL glam) had great musicians and songwriting.

2. 80s Glam/hair Metal was crap. Similar to manufactured Pop, this was a more industry driven exploitation of the real metal scene, only re-dressed in less offensive clothing.

Haha, I love debating this crap.

holy moly......maybe the most overlooked of all, BEBOP DELUXE......bill nelson along with bolan, robbie dunbar from earthquake(van halen made a career out of copping his licks), and dare i say buck dharma pretty much wrote the book of seventies 'attitude' guitar. "any guitarist who needs more than three chords, just hasnt found the right three"-john cippolina
Sometimes the cosmetics don't have alot to do w/ the music. The Slade "Play it Loud" record was totally mascara free, and it was a crunching good rock record, (not alot different than the glitter festooned "Slade Alive"). Thin Lizzy, B.O.C., Alquin, Doctors of Madness and the great early Be Bop Deluxe all did the platforms and the silly clothes while putting out some of their best stuff. A few of the shredder latex hairspray specialists that came later smoked like hell too. Occasionally great stuff has managed to sneak out from under a pile of corporately engineered cheez whiz. It comes down to the old "there's two kinds of music" cliche. Anybody know if there's a good recording of Zal Cleminson's brain ripping solo on Vambo (Sensational Alex Harvey Band)???
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