Johnny Cash cd's

help a newbie Cash fan out. Looking for well recorded, Live performances if any exist on CD. I love the way he tells story's, in particular "Boy Named Sue". Quality recordings in terms of sound would be a big bonus.

"Live at Folsom Prison" and "Live at San Quentin" are
Johnny Cash's most famous live recordings and have been recently
remastered. The sound quality is OK, but not of reference quality. The
performances are excellent, so the OK sound quality is neither a distraction
or a negative. "A Boy Named Sue" is on the San Quentin album.
The Folsom Prison album was also released on SACD. Both recordings are
from the 1969 time frame, when Johnny recorded for Columbia Records.

There are some other live recordings. "At Madison Square
Garden" is another great performance/OK sounding recording from
1969. "Live from Austin, Texas" will be released in two weeks (on
November 1st). There are also some Louisiana Hayride recordings out there,
but I stay away from those in general, as I have yet to hear a Hayride reording
of any artist that was listenable.

Regards, Rich
"American IV: The Man Comes Around" is not live, but an interesting CD. I heard it when I was auditioning a pair of Harbeth Super HL-5's down at Jeff's in Bloomington, Indiana.

This CD was produced in Johnny's home by a producer who had always wanted to produce one of his albums. Johnny was dying and the producer actually set everything up in Johnny's living room for him and recorded the CD.

As far as story telling, Johnny knew that he was about to die, and you can tell it in his voice and the songs that he chose to record. It's worth giving a listen to.
The last recordings of Cash are available on quality vinyl, too. I picked up the one with "Wayfaring Stranger", "don't back down", and "Bridge Over Troubled water". sounds very good. I found mine at the Analogue Room in San jose, CA
Although they are not live recordings (they are acoustic actually) I would recommend the entire American series. Sonically excellent material and as Krell man says above, tells his story through the songs he chose to cover.
Thanks guys, I think I'm going to pickup Live at San Quentin, and check out his latest release, I've heard the NIN cover he did and it was pretty cool. There is something about that man's voice that is both hopefull and dreadfull at the same time.