Outstanding Drum Performances

Looking for some redbook CD's that feature some dynamic drum riffs...looking to stay in the rock genre but it there is a killer recording out there that is outside of the Rock arena please let me know.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
Ghost_Rider ; also try to get Pete Townsend's "White City" Cd if you want to hear Simon really put one down -- the song "Give Blood" is friggin' incredible (again, drum performance wise) and is a pretty good CD overall.

Also, any Jean Luc Ponty CD/Album with a drummer by the name of Rayford Griffin. One of the most incredible, jaw-dropping and awe inspiring drummers ever recorded. He was a drumming god in concert too...
Denf, I have alot of Ponty so I know what your saying. Cosmic Messanger is still my favorite.