Which Patricia Barber album floats yer boat?

As far as my knowledge is concerned and from all the reading that I do, “Blood on the tracks” by Bob Dylan is considered to be his best album by far. For Joni Mitchell it is “Blue”. What really amazes me is that there is no general consensus on which album of Patricia Barber is the best. Some prefer “Modern Cool”, some “Companion”, some think “Nightclub” is her best album! I think it is “Café Blue” Why? Cause the two tracks numbered 9 (Too Rich for my blood), and 11 (Nardis) strike a chord in me like no other songs of her. They have the energy which seem to ooze out from the system in spades.

Which album of Patricia Barber floats yer boat and why?
Warrenh: I have seen PB in concert several times (Regattabar in Boston and Carnegie Hall). Both live performance made me want to go back and listen to her on my rig with CD's.

Bottom line......live performances get a D/C-, studio recordings A
That's a first, Rcupka. I think you mean to be talking to Kevine, don't ya?
I have rarely came across a more over-rated artist than Barber, do people like the music or the audiophile status because it only seems to fly around audionuts.
It is the quality of her recordings that rock my audiophoolish boat. Not her singing or piano playing. And I can listen to only 'bout half her cds, and about half of the tracks on those cds.