So You Think You Know Your Mozart?

If you do, take this BBC test.
It might be harder for younger ears ;~)

Would '39' qualify as "younger ears"? My wife got 10/10 and identified every piece as well...listening from the other room through my laptop speakers. She thought it ridiculously easy and asked if there was another level to try out. My 46 year old ears, with far less classical exposure got a D perhaps...6/10. I'll be taking the makeup exam after I attend summer school. What a looser!

im slightly younger ears..26 yr old....10/10 first time , and it ws very easy...but enjoyable.
I missed a couple. However, the test illustrates an interesting fact. When you are familiar with a piece of music it takes only a few of the first notes to identify it. This was brought to light in connection with a law suit some time ago involving "theft" of certain copyrighted material. Steal only two or three notes/chords and you can be in trouble. It would be interesting if the BBC test kept track of playing time before correct answers.
10/10 the first time through for me too. The Haydn versus Mozart piece was the tricky one for me and I don't believe I had heard that one I had to make a judgement call.

I won't give the answer away but it is not always easy to tell the difference between Haydn and Mozart (unless you really know how to recognize Mozart's style, which apparently I do)

That was fun... makes you feel good!