Drone Zone on SomaFM - anyone listening?

"Served best chilled, safe with most medications" is how it's described. If you have iTunes you have this under Radio > ambient > Drone Zone SomaFM

This stuff really trips me out. I've been listening to it every night to fall asleep and ho-boy, the dreams...

Is anyone else into this kind of music? It's sort of ambient soundscape if I had to classify it.

Check it out
You might check out LIVE365.. they are a bunch of ambient and electronic stations.. not nearly as good as dronezone, though. especially because they have "ad" breaks, which are really just really annoying self-promotion spots for their premium service that doesnot have those ads or funny promotions for some unknown rising gospel or country musician newest album..

soma also has some other stations that are more beat oriented.. as well as an ok indie rock station..
Thanks guys. Is anybody recording off these stations? What are you recording on and how are you doing it? is there any computer program that can record to a hard drive in real time?
Anybody notice Drone Zone is losing its steam? suddenly i'm hearing voices and beats...and that's not just in my head. it's harder to go to sleep with this on w/o having nightmares.