musical drummers...who are they ???

the elusive it..... what drummers have it ??

Ringo, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Jeff Porcaro,Anton Fig, Dave Weckl, Vinnie C, can't put my finger on it, but they just play....the music...any thoughts ??
Ag insider logo xs@2xsuperhonestben
A strong second on Keith Moon, Steve Gadd, Bill Brufored, actually everyone mentioned, also Paul Thompson, Jim Gordon,Jim Keltner, Daniel Seraphine, Phil Collins(check out Brand X), Mitch Mitchell, Ritchie Hayward, Nick Mason, Terry Bozio, Billy Cobham, Narada Micheal Walden, Lenny White, Johnny Guerin, Jeff Hamilton, Alphonso Mouson, and Keith Moon (yeah I know I already mentioned him but he warrants two more votes). I'm sure I'm missing several.....
Mike Portnoy-Dream Theater!
Neil Peart-Rush,
Simon Phillips-Toto, Jeff Beck, The Who, Judas Priest,
Carl Palmer-Asia, ELP,
Steve Smith-Journey,
John Bonham-Led Zepplin.
To some extent subjective criteria determines whether or not a player is musical. Poorly informed listeners and people with fairly pedestrian musical sensibilities (most people) will spit out a very different list of players than a voracious listener who knows s##t from shinola. Dave Weckl and Steve Gadd have way too much Kenny G. in them to seem interesting when you can listen to:
Max Roach
Andrew Cyrille
John Hollenbeck
Lucas Niggli
Ches Smith
Pierre Favre
Han Bennink
Charles Hayward
Tom Rainey
Gerry Hemingway
Paul Motian
Dannie Richmond
Ed Blackwell
Pierre Tanguay... and most of the guys Xiekitchen mentioned.
Terry Bozio, from Missing Persons. Alwaythought he was good on that album, just saw an article in Drummer magazine, he was also w/ Zappa, (and others), lots of classical training. Now has a new CD out in which he plays a MASSIVE drum kit. The pictures shows the drums marked with letters to indicate notes, so I think he's playing melodies on the drums. The disc is called Chamber. I'm going to get it from Amazon if I ever get off Audiogon!