Opinions on Todd Rundgren fronting the New Cars?

Todd's a hero of mine. While he's certainly made some very strange ideas work in the past, I'm a bit nervous about this one. I understand a cd is out next Teusday with a tour to follow in the spring. Anyone know anything?
The new Cars with Todd was on Leno last night. They played Let the Good Times Roll and it sounded OK but boring. The guitars were good and so were the drums and synth but it could not lift the performance. Maybe the song is just too old, maybe it was not as good a song as I remember, maybe I was just thinking too much about how Todd sounded, which was OK just different, maybe I am just a whining bitch :^)

After seeing that I would not see them in concert even though I always liked the Cars.
Nope. Your whining is justified.
I thought they sounded like a cover band.
Just gotta hope that the band determined that Leno wasn't the place for a little extended guitar embellishment.
On the other hand, I still intend to take in the show. Future performances may vary - time will tell.