Your favorite song from a RECENT cd release?

Mine is ''The painter'' from Neil Young. It is a great song, just about THE perfect song with acoustic guitar. It has nice lyrics, timing, and of course Young's unique voice. It is a joy to listen to. Sound wise, it sounds a bit congested in the low end, but who cares. I'll take a less-than-perfect song gem on a car radio any day over any Diana Krall song ( o.k Krall fans, flame me!) played on my home system. All a matter of taste, of course!
Dance Me To the End of Love from Careless Love cd by Madeleine Peyroux. The song was written by Leonard Cohen and speaks of love and trust through a lifelime. Killer lyrics, well sung and recorded.
John Dean
Solveig Slettahjell & Slow Motion Quintet - Faith, Trust and Pixiedust

Look at
for more information.

I have 2 of her earlier CDs too. Not for everyone but twisted enough to keep me interested.