What Happened to Neil Young's New Release ???

Ok , I thought I read that the Live with War was supposed to be released today.
What Happened?
Did the Goverment hide all the recordings with the WMD???
Or did old Neil sell out to the Man??
I thought politics were verboten here, guess not. In that case, I just LOVE rich liberals, and FOREIGN to boot, that love to lecture us. Free speech gives them that right? Absolutely, just as it gives me the right to say I think Neil Young is a blowhard teenager living in a 60 year old man's skin. IMO he hasn't produced much worthy of my dollars (and just what the heck is up with his voice? YIKES!) in years.
I doubt this will make it past the webmaster, but what the heck ..... go smoke another bong load Neil. Have a nice day. :)
Tgyeti, My wild, not so rich, not so liberal mom once mention that if I didn't have anything nice to say... Hewww what the heck, hey Neil could you pass that bong?!
Perhaps I shouldn't sugarcoat it so much next time and try to convey my true feelings, :)
That's the trouble with Mr. Gore's internet, once it's there, it's there ...... more later.
I appreciated Living with War. Neil has the courage to say it as he believes, knowing that verbal retribution is not far away. Several of the songs on Living with War focus on intolerance, greed, injustice, and corruption. It's not a surprise that these songs receive such strong reaction, especially in the current American Zeitgeist - either you're with us or against us. There is a broad history of protest in music in the US. Agree or disagree with his message, this album joins that club.

BTW, Neil has been an outspoken advocate for environmental issues and small farmers. He also co-founded a school for children with disabilities. Not just a blowhard, but active for the causes in which he believes.