Ani Difranco

I'm hooked. Got an album on a recommendation: Up Up it. Ani others? thanks in advance...warren :)
I have got them all. Dilate is one of the best. I think she is one of the greatest American /singer/songwriter/poets/musicians around. I have seen here 5 different time and every time was full of energy.

I once saw an interview with her and it became clear why she is not in demand for interviews or keeps her life private. For someone as articulate as her in her songs, she could barely keep a sentence together in the interview. And she is not dummy. After she felt shafted by the record industry she started her own label. Very smart girl.

I like very very much and I am a male, 43 year old republican lawyer. Go figure.

Maybe your DNA is is one angry gal, but I love it. Very passionate. I have Dilate. Best? Don't know. She is quite a prolific writer. 16 albums I believe. Pays to have your own record label...
Good stuff but you need to be in the right mood-And is she ever INtense.
Still the world needs people with her conviction.
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