What's your system response on " Feels like home"

Pop the Nora Jones" Feels like home", the whole CD sounds tube like. Either too warm to too dull. Love the CD but the midrange is so big and warm so it gives me a fatigue feeling. Not quite like a blanket over the speakers but something is not quite right with the way it is recorded. My recent set up: 400Xi, Sony es cdp,Hero, 8tc,ls9 Polk. I know I need to upgrade the Ls9 and Sony cdp. How does your system response to the particular cd " Feels like home"? Thank you.
Warrenh, this thread is about "Feels Like Home". It has not been released as an SACD, only her first was (and supposedly mixed from a 16/44 source, etc). Anyway, I like the warmth of the newest release, but then my system tends slightly toward the cooler side.
Interesting comments.I find both Norah Jones CDs sound a bit dull and hazy-sort of like a classic NAD amplifier.Not unpleasant but a bit contrived.

Thanks Ted. Seems you're the only one who caught my blunder. I get the two confused. Why hasn't Feels Like Home come out in sacd?
Good question. It is well recorded (maybe not mastered to everyone's liking but recorded well, it seems) and would make a superb SACD, plus her first came out within months of its' redbook release. Dunno....Blue Note has dropped the ball on many hirez releases. I've spoken with them many times about the great Cassandra Wilson and her Miles Davis tribute "Travelling Miles". I pointed out to them that the DVD-A release (DTS/EMI/Blue Note release on DVD-Audio) has the right front and rear channels swapped on the DVD-Audio layer. I now have four (4) frickin copies that they've sent me, each one they've said was corrected. Each one was the same incorrect mix as the orginal. They've even given me two addtl DTS catalog picks for my inconvenience, but still no corrected copy. BTW, the DTS layer is correct; always has been.
Andrew, I've had similar problems with the Norah Jones cds on my audio system. On my HT, the early DVD from New Orleans concert seems to have pathological bass; either that or my system does not deal with it well.