Dark Day For Hands On Music-Movie Buyers

Tower Records, a definite iconic chain of stores known for it's wide selection is soon to be no more. I've bought my music and movies from Amazon etc but it's not the same as going to the store and browsing. Sad day.
Tower was the last 'global' retail provider for music and movies. their prices (generally at list) for decades were more than offset by their selection. that was the point. they were were the indy labels' best friend, and the only large retailer to get behind new artists. they were also the last major retailer to stock ANY vinyl. though they struggled for the last decade, they were as much a part of the music industry and culture as any great artist......the category killers, who millions ran to to save a couple of bucks, just lost the last major retailer that honestly loved selling music.......classical music as a category just lost their last significant presence......in other news...hi fi farm and other music hardware specialists are still dropping like flies.
I admit that Tower should have had lower base prices and sales more often. The selection as jaybo said is the thing. Wal bleeping Mart and Best Buy do not even come close in the selection dept. I have never bought a cd from BB or WM and never will. From now on for me it's Amazon or Rasputin.
Yes jaybo but the music collector that truely shops for the bargin has the beach front property in the here after.
I remember the Towers Records in Boston. The Newbury St one was particularly cool...several floors and all styles of music and related items. I would shop for discounts, or stuff that was not available elsewhere. Sometimes a Laser Disc or music related book [I think that I bought the "ALBUM COVER ALBUM" there]. And yes, plenty of vinyl in the 1990's.

Video killed the radio star, but Internet killed the record store.