Grateful Dead Remasters?

My American Beauty and Workingman's Dead Cds are getting a little old. Noticed 2003 remasters on Rhino. Any sonic improvement to be had by purchasing the Rhinos? Seems that remasters are a hit and miss proposition in that some are improvements and some are not. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Go for it. They sound is very good and the bonus material on Amoxomoxma, for example, is worth the price of admission.
Been a fan of the Dead from the beginning. Maybe time to update my CDs. Thanks everyone for your input.
I have a bunch of stuff from Rhino. They are the remaster masters IMO. I would bet on the Dead material.

The Yes stuff is totally amazing as Sayggr suggests. The Relayer copy came out the best. I hope "Terrapin Station" is in there...
I have both of them, I didn't have the
old ones but the new ones sound superb
plus they extend each CD with extra songs
& "Live" material. Go for it!
I have American Beauty and Workingman's Dead on DVD-Audio and they sound *superb*. Good use of surround sound and some of the tracks have different mizes than the originals. Highly recommended!
