Ray LaMontagne - Got the Stuff

Last night I went to see Ray LaMontagne in Seattle. What a great artist! That guy has soul - right from the center of his core. Somewhere between Joe Cocker and Aretha Franklin on the soule scale, with his own appreciation of life's ups and downs thrown in. Great voice, and he can really convey emotion. He is currently on tour, and I would encourage all to check out his music and consider catching a concert while he's currently out and about. Here is his website.
I own both of his cds and really like his music. After I saw him on Austin City Limits I knew I wanted to buy some of his music. I hope to have the chance to see him in person.
PS The opening act, David Ford, was also fantastic and received a largely standing ovation for his innovative solo performance. Also a very passionate singer, he uses the layering of very simple acoustic loops to create a He is accompanying Ray L tonight in Vancouver, BC, but then that's his last night with the tour. I'm going to have to check out his CD's...anyone familiar with his music?

Great first album. I have the second on order.
If you like Ray you may be into the smoother Amos Lee. He's got a couple of albums that are worth listening to. Also, as I have stated on another thread further down, Terry Callier is one of those diamond artists that go pretty much un-noticed. He has a rather extensive back catalog but I'd be the wrong person to recommend any one album. I pretty much love them all.