Morph The Cat-Bass Notes

Some nice low bass work on this CD. Just wondering if anyone knows how some of these notes convert to Hz? Thanks!
>>Well all I can say is; your opinion must be right and mine must be wrong<<

I agree with you.

Mr. Feil,
I have initiated many threads and responded to many others on Audiogon. I have always attempted to employ common courtesy in my posts. I do not attack others for their opinions or beliefs. I do not belittle others for their choice of equipment or musical tastes. I try to respect the differences and learn from them. I can honestly say my participation in Audiogon has expanded my understanding. I am simply attempting to enter into a conversation about audio and music with like minded individuals.
May I remind you that this thread originally asked for Hz conversion for bass notes on the CD "Morph the Cat".
I'm not sure I understand the reason(s) for your aggressive, all knowing tone. For me it's one of the few unpleasant facets of this forum.
This is tough to understand Rja. I offered my thoughts (please see "IMO" in the post) and you responded with a sarcastic post with your own opinion. Matters not to me if you agree, I don't care.

Then I agreed with your post and you're still unhappy.

You can't have it both ways Sparky.
Hay guys, this thread is getting a little out of hand. Rja, I wouldn't take what Audiofeil says personally. He's just letting all of us know that he doesn't like it. What it boils down to is that some folks like Morph and some don't - but isn't that the way it is with all music?
I like the album (cd). IMO (pay attention Rja) the bass is unnatural.

There is no other record or cd in my collection so flawed.

Thanks everybody.