Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?

It seems to me the Grammy's have never recovered from the introduction of the MTV Music Awards. The MTV Music Awards came out of the gate with two objectives:

1. To modernize the format of music awards and shock the audience.
2. Provide a new stage for Rappers and Hip-Hop music.

This was a combination that became highly successful for MTV. At first the Grammy's tried to remain above the fray and put on a classy show, however over time to compete they've became just another MTV type music award. Which leads to the question - are the Grammy's still relevant? Do you look forward to watching the show every year and if so; why?
They had to wait until she was dead to give Janis Joplin a Grammy. When were they ever relevant?
Wow, some of youse guys need a time out.

When my generation was younger most of the bands and artists that were my favorites were speaking out against the war in Vietnam.

Now we have the Vietnam of the new millenium. Thousands of our young folks die for midieval folk most of which haven't got the courage to stand up for themselves.

I'd like to see our current administration honor those who've already died by bringing the rest home before they have an opportunity to die for basically nothing.

These folks in the middle east have been fighting amongst themselves since Jesus walked the earth and before.
When will we learn that we cannot be the world's cop?

Just imagine if the BILLIONS of dollars that have been spent on this fruitless war had been spent here at home.

Meanwhile the Arabs and big oil have thier last laugh at our expense. Exxon/Mobil posts record profits on the backs of American consumers, and our administration has sold out to big business. LOL even Chevron had to change the name of their largest tanker from "Condoleeza Rice" to "Altair Voyager" Condoleeza Rice sat on Chevron's board for years.

Look closely at what your goverment wants you to believe today. "Weapons of Mass Destruction", .....they're weren't any.

Now we border on a police state where there are terrorists on every corner, under every bridge and in every back yard. Our goverment has a policy totally based on fear. Common sense and personal responsibility have taken flight.

Wake up folks, before it is REALLY too late.


Paul :-)
Did someone just say that the Dixie Hicks are "hot looking"? Compared to what? Neil Young?
Jeff Bowman wondered:
"Did someone just say that the Dixie Hicks are "hot looking"? "

Jeff, they may not be super-models, but I think most men would agree that at least 2 of the Chix are fetching indeed. Ms. Maines is not my cup o' tea, but the other 2 are quite attractive, IMHO.