Q sound and looking for the name of an 80s remake

Does anyone have a list of all albums available recorded with qsound? I was able to find from the qsound website the following titles:
Roger Waters-amused to death
Sting-Soul Cages
Madona - The Immaculate collection
robin hood prince of thieves sound track

Also, I know this is a terrible question but I figured it is worth a shot. I am looking for the name of a song but I don't know the artist or the song name. I was in an audio store in Motreal and they played it as a demo that they were going to take with them to the CES. It was a remake of a fairly bad 80s song but for some reason the remake was good. It was a female artist and the begining of the song had some heavy bass. That is all I know about the song but was hoping someone might be able to help me.
Hahnzie, here's the site for you. Good luck

Thanks for the responses. Rubinken, that link is exactlly what I was looking for. I had found their website but I didn't see the part off it. Thanks.
Rick Wright's solo album "Broken China" is recorded in Q sound. It sounds really good and the CD is some really good spacy music.
Pink Floyd's PULSE audio release is mastered in Q sound. If you can find the cassette tape version, there's an unlabeled bonus track which has been dubbed "Soundscape" by Pink Floyd fans. It is a 20+ minute collection of sound effects in Q sound that the Floyd used to play before their concerts in 1994.
