What song is your fav.Emmylou cut???

I got into E* from listening to her first big studio album. My son bought this and we traded---I can't remember what I gave??,maybe 2 albums to be named later?? Just about every cut is my one of my favs.--"Boulders to Birmingham"-Then we have "Tulsa Queen" off q/moon 10-cent town.--That is my pick;what's yours?
Haven't heard enough to say I know her work as well as some here, but I particularly like "Deeper Well" from Wrecking Ball, and the title cut from Red Dirt Girl. She sings with one of my all-time favorites, Patty Griffin, on Patty's new album, "Children Running Through" - that cut is titled "Trapeze". Just saw Patty in concert - fantastic as always! Three standing ovations (she came out and played for all three). I've heard a few duets with Dolly Parton and Emmy Lou Harris that I've enjoyed very much, but can't recall those titles. Those two also have a trio's album with Linda Rhondstadt, but I'm not a fan of the latter.

I do own the Duetes; I just put in my player and all I get is "no disc"---The cd looks brand new but it has this black banding ring on the outer edge. There is a tiny silver band on the very outer edge/then the black ring and that maybe what makes it hard for my player to read?? I know it played fine on my older Data3. Is this a Reprise thing ??
Just popped in Dylan's Desire-- Guess whom sings backup??
I have seen her 4xs. Twice at the Palomino,once at the Roxy (second row/center)and once at the Greek or was that H-Bowl? Dolly came up on stage from the audience---'should have heard the cat calls. I was maybe 20 yards away.
Tobias, thanks for the clarification.
I gotta go with "poncho and lefty" she lens so much emotion to her version. Just watched here an Knopfler last night on Soundstage. Great performance.
Don_s...Do you have the DVDA version, and played back on a good MC system? I can't understand your criticism of the song selection as it includes many of her most popular cuts. Since you can't stand to listen to the disc, why don't you send it off to Warrenh? Seriously.