It was 40 years ago today.....

40 days ago to the day I bought Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and I remember we were floored listening to it that night. Tonight I will get out the ol vinyl copy, celebrate and "take the time for a number of things - that weren't important yesterday"...... this one for sure is and will always be!
What I remember about the album is when they played the opening track SPLHCB whether it was AM/FM they always let it run into "I get by with a little help from my friends." To this day i don't believe there was a song where two songs were run concurrent as one. It was like a mini opus. My dad loved this song esp. when Ringo came in RIP dad .
Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was one of my favorite groups of all time, right up there with The Dukes of Stratosphear, or maybe The Hindu Love gods! ;^)

Seriously, one of the mind blowing Lps of my youth. I think we first listed to a Mono copy. Very cool. *****

My Dad dug the album too. I think that was one of my first records we found common ground on.

Anybody running the OMR UHQR?

Happy Listening!
I did not know about the 40 yr anniverary of Sgt Pepper but something made me put on "Concert for Bangladesh". I admired George a lot. Now I gotta find the Pepper. Thanks.

06-01-07: Timrhu
I've been thinking about listening to Sgt. Pepper all day! Even considering hooking up my turntable to listen to the vinyl copy I purchased sometime around 74 after wearing out the original lp I had in 68. Maybe I'll just listen to the cd while looking at the lp cover.
I don't want to start any kind of CD vs. LP flame war, but I hope you hooked up your turntable. I have the CD of Pepper but I'll pass on that. I find the LPs to have so much more emotional connection and "in the room" sensation.

Plus, the Beatles are so great I think it's worthwhile to re-experience the physical involvement of playing an LP when it's the Beatles. The acts of cueing the stylus and flipping the record both help me relive the total experience.