Anyone heard a K2 HD CD yet?

Sounds promising! What's the verdict so far?
Your article tweaked my curiosity about this mastering technique in the first place. Thanks for that. I plan to purchase one or two soon to check them out but meanwhile I was wondering if any 'Goners had heard these.
I've got a copy of the Bill Evans trio - "Waltzing for Debby" a good jazz recording. It's sounds real good but the mix yields drum and bass out of one channel, piano out of the other, either the way they were situated on stage, but more likely because it's an older recording. I believe it was issued around 2000.
According to my understanding the K2 HD is a relatively new technique. I too have some CDs marked K2 but I don't believe they are the new HD variety. Perhaps someone could clarify the difference between the two. Constantine??

HDCD (high definition compatible digital) is a process developed by Pacific Microsonics. It has been around for a while and involves CDs and CDPs. It's possible that a K2 cd could be HDCD encoded.

K2 HD is a separate and relatively newer process developed by JVC. I believe it is related to XRCD, XRCD2 and XRCD24 technology. The K2 HD CDs have only recently hit the market. I'm trying to determine their sound quality.

I admit the similarity of the monikers is a bit confusing.