Nice thread.
High oil prices definitely attributable to Springteen - Iraq disintegration, Iranian hostility unlikely to have any impact. Also relieved to hear that once No Nukes guitars are silenced, reactor boom will flourish, energy problems will evaporate.
You guys really should run the DOE.
By the way, who could have known that Bush administration's grotesque mismanagement of the war effort didn't prevent swift victory during Bush term - it was several years (???) of "radical left" opposition in Congress. This probably would come as a surpries to the military professionals who resisted the Neo-Con "shock and awe" squad's insistence on troop levels 75% lower than recommended - that worked out nicely. Or did I hear someone say "surge"?
If tou have time, you should look into the DOD, too.
Also delighted to learn Earth is 5,000 or so years old - still almost brand new!
Maybe HEW on your coffee breaks.
Friggin' Springsteen!!