It's been more than two years since you asked the question about Charlie Parker's works, and I just now noticed,. Sorry.
Because of his era, (he died, I believe in 1955/56), his recordings insofar as I know would all have to have been mono, and not the best, quality, though we could debate that I suppose. As an aside, sometimes some very old recordings have been redone, with an attempt to 'create' a stereo sound...but I can't tell you if any of Charlie's works have been fiddled with.
As another aside, I really wish that the Great Winston Ma of First Impressions Music, FIM, would throw his considerable talent into remastering some of Charlies brilliant work...wouldn't that be something?
The best way to become a devotee of Charlie, or frankly just about any musician, is to (for me) sample their work on youtube. In that regard, I've become a hopeless youtube junkie--I'll just cruise, going from one artist to another some evenings--and along the way, discovering new people to admire and purchase.
Also, to simplify Charlie...just Google Charlie Parker,'ll find much to look at--and this will allow you to find out who supporting musicians are on some works.
I own, Charlie Parker with Strings...which is an 'ok' recording, but tour de force of his talents on the Alto.
As a student of Alto, having played since about age 7...I studied his works, attempting to emulate his style...ammending slightly to eliminate the strong 'Be Bop' that was present, and shading more to Cannonball Adderley's style, but with Charlies tremendous range of imagination, with regard to his skills. He is, IMHO, unmatched in this regard, with Adderley being in a virtual dead heat. Again, Discography.
Music does things for us all that nothing else can do--I can't identify exactly what that is--but I do love it.
Good listening, Martykl