Which "Kind of Blue". I'm so confused

So last night I'm playing DJ ad my wife asks if we have any Miles Davis. We don't. We're not big jazz fans. Tell her I know I've seen some of Mile's recordings raved about on Audiogon and I'll do some home work and add some to our collection.

So, seems if I get one album Kind of Blue is a no-brainer. I got to Secondspin.com where i have some credit and see 3 CD's. 1959. 1959 remastered w/bonus tracks. And one (3x the money) 1993

I'm so confused. What's the recommendation?

if you really dig miles davis, any one will do...the latest sony is as good as any. if you want your wife to stop bugging you about miles, just get bitches brew...the chicks run from the building when its on.
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Eliminate your confusion ... get the M Davis cd "Live Around the World" ... something for everyone and some great energy as well as introspection
I think you're spamming the forum. Your first post, first post relative to secondspin.com. Most talked about jazz artist on the forum. "not big jazz fans" your wife would never ask that question.
I know many of the oldest CDs were recorded in the poorest manner with compression and at 13 bits etc. I would at least try to buy the newer remastered at the correct speed one. I could never hear the speed difference but you have a better chance of getting a good recording.