Norah Jones a tinge short

I love female vocals, Kd Lange, Linda Rondstat, Bonnie Ryatte to name a few. And I love Norah Jones voice, So I ran out and purchased come away with me. Though I could easily listen to it, I was a tad dissapointed in the reocording quality on CD. I could hear her mic shean (glare), tinny and a tad thin, which kept her wonderful voice from ringing clear through my Theil 3.6s. I tried some Sheryl Crow bam she was right there in my living room. I tried the Norah CD again and the sound thined and tinned. I was saddend, anybody else share this same opinion, or dissagree?
If you like Norah's voice, try a listen to Melody Gardot. Sounds very similar. I'm waiting for her "Worrisome Heart" cd to arrive.
04-02-08: Abucktwoeighty said:
"If you like Norah's voice, try a listen to Melody Gardot. Sounds very similar. I'm waiting for her "Worrisome Heart" cd to arrive."

X2. I just received Melody's CD on Saturday. She's a great musician and singer/songwriter.

I think Larri is dead accurate. I just did another listen. The music isn't bad. It isn't great lacks punch, but they might have been going for smooth. I like punch! never the less I can't stop but to notice microphone every time I play back. This time I used Rait's cd souls alike track 1 (I will not be broken) Bonnies voice renders clear in the room detached from my speakers. Warm,real,scary stuff sends goose bumps down my spine. Norah, it all shrinks,and goes thin and yes tin (metallic sounding) sounds like my pastors micing at church minus the feed back, I'm kidding of course. For those of you whom own stereophiles first test CD GH track 5 why hi-fi experts dissagree, Gordon reads through a gammint of mics as he reads and you hear the way his voice changes. This is what I am reminded of every time I playback Norahs CD. It always kills me when recordings kill great art! Am I right fellas?
Like Sheryl Crow, Madonna, Jewel, et. al. Norah Jones is a product of great marketing.

Her albums benefit from very good production, superb studio musicians, and great promotion.

She is an average vocalist with extremely limited range.