Does this bother anyone else?

Ok, perhaps I am a little sensitive. But I am really getting tired of "pre-order", "shipping at such and such a date", limited stock so order now (yet it never seems to arive). Now, to be fair I did order the complete Music Matters Blue Notes and I don't expect them to be delivered two every month, that is fine and they have been very clear and communicate well. But as an example, the Ricky Lee Jones album was supposed to be out over a year ago and it still getting its delivery date pushed. I just went to one venders site and saw 10 lps I wanted that were advertised, only two were currently available. I like the idea of knowing whats comming and being able to order one up front but a few venders seem to be taking this to extreme and I worry it's really creating a mess. Perhaps there is an economic push to maximize sales while removing any risk, (i.e. if not enough preordres the project gets pushed back or cancelled), but for me it has led to an increased search for old used vinyl and a significant decline in ordering new. Ok, thats off my chest.
I have complained to both Amazon and CD Universe about their websites claiming the disks are available and will ship within 1-2 days, and then not going out for a week or more.

This is definitely misleading advertising! I will not shop with them again if the practice continues.
I dunno it doesnt bother me that much....I mean its not like thats the only Album in anyones library so I listen to something and when it comes it comes.
Actually, I was only using that album as an example. With one vendor I would pre-order and place the title on my "Wish List" so I did not forget that I may have that album comming. I cancelled all of these a few months ago when I realized that I had to that point 27 LP's with revolving release dates and only 3 during that time that ever made the pressings.