The Tubes

Hey,Anyone like the GROUP the tubes?
What's your favorite song/album?
These guys could and can really rock out.
and one thing I like about them is there albums generaly sound great too!
I saw them play at New George's in San Rafeal Ca in the late eighties,VERY good band.
Share your thoughts about this fun group!
" what do you want from life " & " white punks on dope " two ultraly bizzare songs. I saw them a couple of times at the Agora club. They might/should have been labeled a punk rock band. However, my experience with them was in the middle seventies. Maybe by the late eighties ....... their music changed! Most likely ....... NOT!
The Tubes are one of my favorite bands. I saw them in 1978 or 1979, which is basically the same show as is immortalized on their live album "What do you want from live?" They were a pretty popular rock band at that time and their popularity probably peaked when they released "The completion backwards principle". However, this record was a turning point for the band and they started going down hill after that.

I saw them again in about 1993-94 in a bar in Cincinnati. Believe it or not, they were traveling in a U-Haul van, trying to get back into the rock show scene. They were still excellent.

The Tubes are still touring today and by most accounts their shows are still excellent. Check out their website for dates.

My favorite Tubes records/CDs are 1978's "What do you want from live?" and "White Punks on Dope" which is the original 'The Tubes' (1975) & 'Young & Rich' (1976), remastered onto one CD. They are both pretty well recorded and the live record is really a spectacular performance.


I saw the band in the early eighties at the Greek theatre and they rocked,it was the Remote Control tour. I took a friend of mines brother and it was his first rock concert and he had a blast. My favorite album is The Completion Backward Principle and my favorite song is a toss up between She's a Beauty or Driving all Night. The show I saw is available on the vhs tape Live at the Greek.
Never saw the band but one lost summer of fun when I was about 18 was filled with Love Bomb as the sound track to my summer. The tubes are awesome!!! Check out the "Completion Backwards Principle" on vinyl. It blew me away..