New Music: Oh Laura

Oh Laura is a band from Sweden that does alt folk-ish songs. The lead singer has an interesting voice.
Thanks for the suggestion; I liked their sound as well..

My favorite "discovery" in the realm of altish folk voices lately is The Be Good Tanyas ( Frazey Ford often sings, with a sweet and spacey voice that is a little, well, Frazey. Try "What Are They Doing in Heaven?" on Hello Love, but all three of their discs are very fine. Sadly, Albert, I do not think there are LPs. John
If it's anything close to Bjork and on LP, Albert's in dream land!

You can tell John Frech has listened with us on many occasions :^).

Have you heard the new album by Pink Martini?
Thanks Tobias. I used to listen to WJs' 40 Days all the time. Sweet voices. Do you have a favorite disc of theirs? J