John Mellencamp "Life,Death,Love....."

Very interesting CD/DVD. Lyrics worth listening to - great sound . The included DVD-A for reasons un-clear to me ( different mix?)sounds signifigantly better thru the digi out jacks ( downconverted)into the EAD DSP-Pro than the CD does?
Ag insider logo xs@2xstonedeaf
I have listened to both the cd and dvd-a tonight. The code version is far superior. Better soundstage more lifelike sound.
What is "code version"?
BTW, it doesn't look like DVD-A, just DVD. It doesn't have a menu like DVD-A, just tracks listing. What made you think it's DVD-A?
Sorry its not dvd-a. It is 24/96 and is playable in a regular dvd player. Code is T Bone Burnett's name for the recording system he used.