Considering the source as comparable--for example reissues--how do those of you with very good CD/SACD or Universal players compare the musical-sonic enjoyment of the two.
XRCDs are very pricey. Are they really that great when played on top flight players?
I have had mixed results with HDCD some great some bad.

The few JVC XRCD titles I have are all absolutely excellent.

I think it mostly has to do with the care taken in the mastering process.

Of course when JVC start with master tapes from Sheffield labs to begin with (as are several of my XRCD's) I guess that says it all.

Just a caveat, I don't have a lot of XRCD's so my experience is limited.
I agree with AFeil - it takes highly resolving system to fully appreciate what this format has to offer.
Pricey but IMO - worth it.
Audiofeil and Mrjstack,

1]My reference for digital software are SACDs.Are both of you saying that the XRCDs etcs are Better than SACDs{That would be a first to me]

2]I am comparing their performance {XRCDs vs CDs]in modernly recorded album{eg.Audiophile voices}.The digital front I am using lately is the dcs Puccini.Perhaps the Puccini is not good enough ,huh?

3]When you say the XRCDS are markedly better,what exactly do you mean?For me if you have to shut both eyes real tight,get many people to listen after many a/bs ,THAT is subtle.

Having travel to Japan regularly[My Wife is Japanese] though,I've accumulated quite a number of XRCDs and the likes,because of the title selections than their sonic worth.
Please note - IMO at the end of my post. YMMV.

XRCD is comparable with any CDP.
SACD is a dieing breed......only my opinion. If I want Hi-resolution format......there is always that old, beat up Lp that when setup correctly - will sound a lot better then most of what is out there today....and for silly 99c.
However, both XRCD and SACD are just the addition in my music library ......which I enjoy regardless of format.

Owning Puccini proves nothing......no need to flush your bling, bling to prove the point. Beinng unable to tell the difference....well , that is another story.

I am comparing their performance {XRCDs vs CD) in modernly recorded album{eg.Audiophile voices}.

That may explain it. I doubt they get anything but the master tapes. If the master tapes are of jazz or clasical and already of very high quality sonics then I expect XRCD will be limited in what enahncements they can do (better noise filters, better dithering etc).

On modern pop/rock music though, XRCD might be able to do something with studio masters - these are often compressed in the mastering process as issued by major labels.

Note that it can go both ways with remastering. I have TOTO Essentials remaster that is worse than the orginal. I have a Duran Duran Rio album that is way better than the crappy original CD release. I have an MSFL Tom Petty Full Moon Fever that sounds slightly smoother in the highs than the regular CD (but frankly I prefer the clean sound of the original to MSFL's doctored sound). I could go on and on and on.

Unfortunately what sounds better may be a matter of taste. At low levels, Toto Essentials CD sounds snappy and aggressive ...unfortunately this has been achieved by audio compression in the re-mastering and, as a result, there is a lot of added distortion that becomes more obvious as harshness at higher listening levels.

I would expect JVC would never squash music deliberately like the major labels do these days - therefore my guess is that the XRCD are either very nearly equivalent (on a good original master) or much better (on a poor original master). So perhaps you get a mixed bad - depending on your music tastes - a big improvement or a minor one...

For example, remember "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" debut album...wow was that ever a great sound (thank you Trevor Horn) and it sounded just great on the major label CD releases....no need to fix that one - I doubt JVC coudl do a lot better with that as starting material!